Well, I know several of you have been wondering about the twins, so here it goes!
Noah James Lehman was born on Wednesday, January 5th, 2011 at 10:38 pm. He weighed just 5 pounds, 12 ounces and is 19" long! His sister, Lily Anne Lehman came out screaming just 14 minutes later at 10:51pm, weighing 6 pounds, 8 ounces (also 19" long). Both babies were "star gazers" but were still able to be delivered without a c-section! Praise the Lord! Mom is doing great and recovering well.

Many people have been asking me about labor, and to sum it up in one word I would like to say "WILD"! It was the most amazing, incredible and yet traumatizing experience. No words can really explain the whole process, other than that at the end you have a beautiful baby (or in our case 2 beautiful babies) to take home with you!
The first night at the hospital was a bit scary. Noah had low blood sugar and almost had to go to the NICU. Finally we were all able to go to our hospital room, and shortly after Lily choked, turned purple and had to be rushed to the nursery to be aspirated. The next day they babies had higher belli ruben numbers and had to go to the "suntanning booth" for 8 hours. It is amazing how 8 hours away from your babies can tear you apart.

Thankfully our God always provides and has a a perfect plan for us. All for of us left the hospital on Friday evening and have been home without any complications ever since. The babies are eating well, and are back to their original birth weights. The pediatrician is very excited about the babies' health as well. Nala and Miko have sniffed out and licked the twins; we are all adjusting well!

The first few days home were a complete blur, with very little sleep. Fortunately for our siblings (Jason and Melinda who have twins of their own, Jason and Janelle who have four children of their own and JR and Lorie who have two children of their own) and of course both sets of parents we have a schedule that is allowing for happy, satisfied babies (and a lot more rest for mom and dad too!)
My awesome sister, Janelle, took the twins' newborn photos this week! Here is a sneak peak of my sweet, sweet babies in model mode!

Still can't hardly believe that they are here!! :) :)
Can't wait to edit the rest of their newborn pictures, they were perfect models!!
Love you all!!
Gosh, they are absolutely perfect!!! I am so glad that you were able to deliver vaginally, I was wondering! Thats AMAZING!!! Way to go MOM!! Congratulations, they are so beautiful! It will be fun to see how life is with twins!!! You're my hero!!!
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